Western New York Chapter News

Issue 9........June, 1999

From the President....by Jon Nickerson

One of the many benefits of membership in the WNY Chapter of the ACHMM is the opportunity to participate in plant tours. Our Chapter’s latest tour was of the Dunlop Tire’s Tonawanda plant. Mr. Dan Parshall, Plant Engineer, provided an initial familiarization with the Dunlop company history both worldwide and here in Buffalo. After discussing environmental regulation compliance at the plant, we received a full tour of the facility, learning how tires are made from start to finish. We are grateful to Mr. Parshall and Dunlop for an interesting and informative facility visit.

Our Web Page Q & A Board is up and running. If you have a CHMM-related technical question, post it on the Q & A board. Other chapter CHMMs will answer or your question. This Q & A Board is yet another benefit of chapter membership; anther useful tool available to assist you.

By now I hope you are aware that our chapter is sponsoring our first social event: a cruise on the Buffalo River, narrated by the Buffalo Industrial Heritage Committee. See the enclosed announcement and flyer for details.

I look forward to seeing you on the Cruise,


LAST NOTICE: This may be your LAST newsletter!!!

Many organizations want lots of your money, then provide to you very little in return. Our chapter offers mechanisms to help you get recertification points. (And yes, EVERYONE needs them), as well as presentations by people in our field, plant tours, a web-page Q & A, and a directory to help you keep in touch with other Western New York CHMMs. Do you really want to lose all that for just $10?

If you have a red X on your mailing label, your dues payments are not up to date. You will be dropped from our membership list and will lose all membership privileges, including receipt of our 1999 membership directory.

Please forward your 1999 dues of $10 to:

Teresa Wawrzynek
Access Resources
1372 Clinton Street
Buffalo, NY 14206

Dues are due by June 8, 1999. Make checks payable to "CHMM of Western New York".

CHMM Social Scheduled for June 8, 1999

Our CHMM Chapter is sponsoring our first social event: a cruise of the Buffalo River narrated by the Buffalo Industrial Heritage Committee. Bring your co-workers, family, and friends for a cruise on board the Miss Buffalo on Tuesday, June 8, 1999. Board at the Miss Buffalo dock at Naval Park. Tour departs 7:00 and returns at approximately 9:00 p.m. We will be hearing about the history of the Buffalo River industries, including General Mills and Buffalo Color. Cost is $10 per person. Space is limited; advanced reservation is highly recommended. Use the enclosed flyer to reserve seats. Call Teresa Wawrzynek (824-2366) or Jon Nickerson (684-8060) if you have questions. Also, the announcement in last month’s newsletter mistakenly labeled this cruise as a dinner cruise. Please note: this is NOT a dinner cruise; food will not be served.

ACHMM Offers Leadership Training Course

The ACHMM is offering a free leadership training training course July 22-23, 1999 in Madison, Wisconsin. The course is open to current and future CHMM chapter officers, as well as other interested parties. Contact the Academy office at 1-800-437-0137 or the Academy web page at www.achmm.org for further information.

Our Next Meeting....

Our next meeting is the Buffalo River History Cruise, then we will recess for the summer!

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