Western New York Chapter News

Issue 8........May, 1999

From the President....by Jon Nickerson

If you missed our April meeting at the Eagle House Restaurant, you missed a great presentation on an innovative remedial technology by Laurie LaChiusa of ElectroKineteics, Inc. You also missed some good discussion about our upcoming chapter plans, as well as some good food.

Our chapter has decided to organize a social event: A cruise on the Buffalo River, narrated by the Buffalo Industrial Heritage Committee. (Click Here for announcement.) This cruise has received rave reviews from past Buffalo Waterfront Festival participants. So bring your family, friends, and coworkers. And you can’t beat the price for this kind of entertainment: $10 per person.

The officers voted to include descriptions of the businesses or entities at which WNY CHMMs are employed. This will provide an additional usefulness to the directory. The board also voted to have the chapter joint the Buffalo Technical Societies Council. This organization includes many engineering groups and provides an avenue to gain more recognition and understanding of the CHMM certification. We also voted to hold our annual CHMM Exam review course on November 6 and 7 at Buffalo State College, and to hold the exam the following weekend, on November 13, 1999.

As a means of further establishing a mechanism to inform people of our organization’s existence, as well as to provide a means of generating more membership, the chapter is going to develop a brochure which will be distributed to exam review course participants and to others potentially interested in our organization.

I look forward to seeing you at the next meeting, a plant tour at the Dunlop Plant. Note that this meeting will be on a Monday, not a Tuesday.

See you there,


Notice: This may be one of your last newsletters!!!

If you have not paid your 1999 dues, you will be dropped from the chapter’s mailing list. If you have a red X on your mailing label, your dues payments are not up to date.

Please forward your 1999 dues of $10 to:

Teresa Wawrzynek
Access Resources
1372 Clinton Street
Buffalo, NY 14206

Dues are due by June 1, 1999. Make checks payable to "CHMM of Western New York".

CHMM Directory To Be Published

Thanks for the strong interest received in publishing a chapter directory. We will be publishing this document in May, and it will be available for pick-up at our June meeting.

CHMM Social Scheduled for June 8, 1999

Our CHMM Chapter is sponsoring our first social event: a cruise of the Buffalo River narrated by the Buffalo Industrial Heritage Committee. Bring your co-workers, family, and friends for a cruise on board the Miss Buffalo on Tuesday, June 8, 1999. Board at the Miss Buffalo dock at Naval Park. Tour departs 7:00 and returns at approximately 9:00 p.m. We will be hearing about the history of the Buffalo River industries, including General Mills and Buffalo Color. Cost is $10 per person. Space is limited; advanced reservation is highly recommended. Use the enclosed flyer to reserve seats. Call Teresa Wawrzynek (824-2366) or Jon Nickerson (684-8060) if you have questions.

Our Next Meeting....

Our next meeting will be a tour of the Dunlop Plant. 10 Sheridan Drive, Tonawanda on MONDAY, MAY 10, 1999.NOTE THIS IS NOT A TUESDAY. Meet at 5:00 in the reception area. The tour will last approximately one hour. We will have dinner at the Olympic Family Restaurant, which is on the corner of Sheridan Drive and Military Road.

Directions: Take Rt. 190 to the Sheridan Drive exit. (Near Rt. 290). The Dunlop Plant is located at almost the very end of Sheridan Drive, near the Huntley Steam Station along the Niagara River. Look for Huntley’s smoke stacks as a landmark. Park across the street from the plant entrance.

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