Western New York Chapter News

Issue 7........April, 1999

From the President....by Jon Nickerson

Our March meeting marked our Chapter's first plant tour; our first of many more to come. We received a detailed tour of the City of Niagara Falls' Waste water Treatment Plant. This plant differs from many others in the country as it is designed to handle large incoming organic waste loading in addition to average amounts of sanitary and storm water loading. This organic loading capability was constructed to address the needs of the extensive chemical industry operating in the City. Tour attendees enjoyed some aerobic digestion of their own during the chapter monthly dinner meeting which followed the tour. One of our new members, Mark Hageman, agreed to enhance our web page. If you haven't seen it lately, log on to http://www.chmm.wny.freeservers.com to get briefed on the latest happenings and upcoming events of the chapter.

Gary Robinson is working on a team preparing the next CHMM review book. He is seeking authors for two chapters:

"Assessing Risk"

"Corrective Action Procedures"

Contact Gary (856-5636) if you wish to be an author for those chapters.

The need to further involve more CHMMs in our chapter was discussed.A suggestion to include a question/answer posting on our web page, with the at-large officers answering the questions, was proposed. This idea will receive further discussion at a future meeting. A suggestion was also made to sponsor a scholarship for local students. The amount would not be large, but it would be a contribution to the community and it would result in a broadening of our name recognition. Another idea put forth to increase community recognition is sponsoring a booth at a local symposium. Our chapter has been asked to join the Technical Societies Council; a Buffalo-based group consisting of representatives from most of the engineering and other technical groups and chapters operating in Western New York. We will be voting on whether to join this organization at our next meeting.

See you at the Eagle House,



A Suggestion to hold a scial event was made at the October meeting. The Chapter is currently exploring various event possibilities, including a tour of the Buffalo River by the Buffalo Heritage Society (BHS). The BHS uses one of the Miss. Buffalo boats to lead cruises on which the history of local Buffalo industries such as General Mills and Buffalo Color are discussed. The cost would be approximately $10 and it would be open to the public. Note that this tour is just one suggestion; other suggestions include a barbeque and attending a sports event. Neither the date of the social, nor the activity has been chosen. Please let the officers know what and when you want our social to be.

Welcome New Members!

Two new members have joined our CHMM Chapter:

  • Mark C. Hageman, CHMM is with The Environmental Service Group of Tonawanda, New York.
  • Paul Hirsch is an attorney with Allen and Lippes, LLP.

Directory Publication E X T E N D E D

Construction of our first chapter directory is underway. We are extending the deadline to submit member listing requests to April 15, 1999. If you have not already done so, please complete the enclosed form and return it via FAX or U.S. Mail to John Rizzo of Phoenix Environmental.

Our Next Meeting....

Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 13,1999 at the Eagle House Restaurant, 5578 Main Street in Williamsville. NOTE THE CHANGE IN LOCATION; we are not holding the meeting at Cambria's. Our speaker will be Laurie LaChiusa of ElectroKinetics; she will be speaking about an innovative remediation technology. Cash bar will start at 6:00, and an a la carte dinner will be at 6:30.

Directions to Eagle House:

From Rt. 290: Take Main Street East exit. On Main Street, proceed east to the fifth traffic light (Cayuga Road). The Eagle House is on the left, between the fifth and sixth light. You can take the next left after Caynga Road to access a parking area behind the restaurant.

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