Western New York Chapter News

Issue 6........March, 1999

From the President....by Jon Nickerson

A good speaker is one who not only captures the audience's attention, but also maintains it with a steady grip throughout the presentation. Dave Sauer of Buffalo Color Corporation did an outstanding job at maintaining the audience's attention as he gave his presentation on the history of environmental issues at the Buffalo Color site at the joint meeting between the CHMM chapter and the Buffalo Association of Professional Geologists on February 17. Dave used his lively style and creative wit in describing the environmental aspects of the company's early operations and telling us about the history of the Buffalo River's water quality around the facility. Thanks, Dave, for an informative and entertaining talk.

Noteworthy outcomes of our February business meeting included moving ahead with our plans to publish a Western New York CHMM directory. It was decided that only dues-paying members of our chapter would be listed. Also discussed was the option of our chapter having a web page. Jeff Burton is working on this.

Feedback from members indicated that our yearly calendar of operation is confusing; members pay dues in April, but the "new year" begins in September. The board voted to amend our chapter's bylaws to have our fiscal year coincide with the calendar year. This has two ramifications: Dues will not be due again until January, 2000; and the term of the current officers will extend through to the end of 1999.

Our efforts to conduct some plant tours are paying off! Our first tour will he held in March. Also, we have a speaker scheduled for our April meeting. Please note that part of the benefit of conducting tours is the participation of more persons, both CHMMs and Non-CHMMs. We encourage you to bring your coworkers. At this point, space on the upcoming wastewater treatment plant tour is not limited.

Planning of the next CHMM exam review course is underway. We will again be working with Dr. Steven Vermette at Buffalo State College. Teresa Wawrzynek is coordinating the review course; please pass on to her any suggestions or comments regarding the course which you may have.

Speaking of comments, I am again requesting any feedback which you may have, good or bad, about our chapter. Our organization will get stronger if the officers know what people want/like/dislike. Call, write, or e-mail an officer and let us know your suggestions for speakers, plant tours, or any other comments.

See you at the next meeting,


We are on the Web!

A website for our Chapter has been established at: www.chmm.wny.freeservers.com

Currently under construction, it will contain contact information for Chapter officers and minutes of Chapter meetings, as well as other information of interest to members. We will try to make it interesting for existing members and attractive for potential new members. Your input and comments on the site are welcome and appreciated.

E-Mail Web site comments here!

New CHMM Review Guide To Be Published

Gary Robinson reports that an effort to publish an updated CHMM review guidebook is underway once again. Gary is involved with the team organizing the book's production; he will keep us posted of any relevant developments. Note that a search for authors will be forthcoming.

Directory Being Published

As noted in the February newsletter, we will be publishing a membership directory for our chapter. Please complete the enclosed form and return it to one of the officers by MARCH 15,1999. We anticipate publishing the directory this spring.

Institute Announces Student Scholarship Contest

The Institute of Hazardous Materials Managers has announced the Fourth National Student Competition to promote hazardous materials management studies at the college level. First prize is a $5,000 scholarship, with $2,500 going to the sponsoring school. All entries must be received by the Institute by September 5, 1999. If interested, call Jon Nickerson (716/684-8060) for details.

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