Western New York Chapter News

Issue 10........October, 2000

From the President-Elect....by Mark Hageman

Jeff Burton, the current chapter president is on an extended assignment and will not be available to fulfill his duties as President. I, Mark Hageman as the president elect, according to our chapter by-laws, will precide for the remainder of the year. Any help or Ideas for future Meetings, Speakers, Plant Tours...Please E-Mail Me or give me a call...

Hope to see you all at Montana's on Nov. 14th


CHMM Review Course and EXAM

The CHMM review course will be held February 3rd and 4th, 2001 at Buffalo State College. The Exam will be offered on February 24th, 2001, also at Buffalo State College. The Deadline to submit an application to sit for the Exam is January 13th 2001.

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